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CryptoBlog n.678

⚡️ Glassnode ▫️ Weak miners still capitulate. As the complexity continues to decline, the remaining strong miners will be able to mine more BTC as fewer miners compete for the same 6.25 BTC every 10 minutes. ▪️ The mining market continues to trend from individuals to industrial scale. Large companies are buying additional equipment, while mining is becoming unprofitable for individuals due to the network factors of the Bitcoin network.

CryptoBlog n.677

⚡️ Santiment ▫️ Altcoins spent the first half of 2022 watching market capitalization gains rapidly decline. However, projects like MATIC have quickly recouped some of their losses, jumping 63% in one week. Addressing activity is also on the rise, showing an intriguing divergence.

CryptoBlog n.676

⚡️ Bitcoin losses ▫️ In 2022, the bitcoin market experienced two major negative events that caused the largest transfer losses since 2011. ▪️ When Terra collapsed, the loss volume was 538K coins a day, followed by 480K a day when the market traded below the 2017 ATH.

CryptoBlog n.674

Web3 start-up 5ire raises $100 million in Series A round, joins unicorn club ???? -BusinessLine Read The Complete Article Here ⤵️ https://thehindubusinessline.com/info-tech/web3-start-up-5ire-raises-100-million-in-series-a-round-joins-unicorn-club/article65640466.ece/amp/ Retweet Here ???? Follow Our Socials! ⤵️ Medium | Reddit | YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn | Reddit