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CryptoBlog n.2522

The Taiwan government plans to propose a draft law on virtual asset service providers (VASPs) in June 2025, enabling banks to issue stablecoins for the first time.

CryptoBlog n.2516

Donald Trump has selected junior CFTC Commissioner Caroline Pham as acting chair of CFTC. Previously, Pham has promoted digital asset ‘regulatory sandboxes.’

CryptoBlog n.2509

A member of the Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) has filed a lawsuit claiming the pension fund failed to conduct proper due diligence when investing $95m in the now-bankrupt FTX exchange.

CryptoBlog n.2502

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit affirmed that the SEC must explain its denial of Coinbase’s petition, which sought clarification on how securities laws apply to cryptocurrencies. The court added that it will not mandate the SEC to implement new rules for crypto assets.