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CryptoBlog n.689

⚡️ The top 10 blockchain protocols by total blocked value ▫️ TVL is the most important metric for assessing the scale of adoption of crypto-blockchain protocols by calculating the total blocked value in relevant smart contracts.

CryptoBlog n.688

Starting today, ICONOMI users can deposit funds with credit or debit cards. The new feature will make it easier for you to start investing in cryptocurrencies or copying Strategies instantly. No need to wait 1-3 business days for the bank transaction to complete ✅ Register here and join the innovation ✅

CryptoBlog n.686

CryptoBlog n.683

⚡️ NFT Calendar has added support for the TON blockchain. ▫️ An important development for the TON NFT world: TON-based collection creators will now be able to post info about upcoming releases in the NFT Calendar project calendar, one of the largest resources about NFT project news. ▫️ More than 500,000 crypto-enthusiasts visit the portal every month, searching for promising collections and interesting events.