CryptoBlog n.808
Banks can’t afford to roll their eyes at the metaverse With virtual assets already being traded and sold in the metaverse, there is an inevitable demand that financial services, specifically banking, ensure secure payments, investments and transactions for all customers. We take physical and online banking security measures for granted. Luckily, banks have a long history of dealing with fraud in the real and online markets. Forward-thinking banks are already thinking about the metaverse as well, as they seek to capitalize on the untapped potential that an immersive, memorable and personalized customer experience offers. Pilot programs are already underway for connected experiences in areas such as 3D banking and personalized virtual banking.
CryptoBlog n.807
1inch Partners With Unstoppable Domains to Compete With ENS The 1inch decentralized exchange aggregator protocol has entered into a new partnership that could see it offering services to rival the Ethereum Name Service (ENS). On Oct. 4, the 1inch network announced a partnership with nonfungible token (NFT) domain name provider and digital identity platform Unstoppable Domains. According to the announcement, the partnership will allow 1inch Wallet users to perform transactions in a more user-friendly way by replacing complex addresses with domain names. This is precisely what ENS offers – replacing Ethereum addresses with web-friendly domain names.
CryptoBlog n.806
The world at large is gradually adopting NFT and blockchain technology - some faster than others. The country of Japan is looking to be a leader in the rapidly evolving web3 space, announcing these intentions at a recent meeting. At a policy speech given this past Monday, Japan’s PM Fumio Kishida announced the country’s plans to “promote efforts to expand the use of web3 services that utilize the metaverse and NFTs”. This falls in line with the PM’s recent push for the growth of the Japanese digital market, especially their recent opening of a web3 focused policy office. Questions remain as to what exactly this push into web3 means, but we can gather some insight by looking into Japan’s own NFT white paper. Originally released in April, the whitepaper outlines their general strategy while approaching this new space. It mainly emphasizes the potential benefit NFTs can bring to Japan’s massive ecosystem of iconic IP, as well as lays out concerns and guidelines to be aware of in the space.