CryptoBlog n.814
Decentralized exchange Uniswap v3 gets ‘Warp’ed’ onto StarkNet Ethereum development company Nethermind has announced it has “transpiled and compiled” decentralized exchange (DEX) Uniswap v3 on “Warp” — a project designed to allow Ethereum users to swap tokens on the more scalable Ethereum layer-2 network StarkNet. The milestone was announced by team lead Jorik Schellekens in an Oct. 9 Medium post. Nethermind describes Warp as a “Solidity to Cairo Transpiler,” which enables Ethereum-based projects written in Solidity to transition its codebase onto StarkNet, allowing them to capitalize on cheaper fees.
CryptoBlog n.813
In an announcement made earlier today, Google has announced it has partnered with leading crypto exchange Coinbase to accept cryptocurrency payments for their cloud services, while also opening up their cloud services to Coinbase. Coinbase will reportedly transition from AWS-hosted services to fully utilizing Google’s products. This new crypto payment feature will be available to select users of Google’s services sometime early next year, and will allow users to pay in a variety of different cryptocurrencies. This marks a huge step for Google in terms of their standing in web3, and looks to bring in even more value from an area already accounting for 10% of Google’s revenue. Furthermore, Google is also reportedly looking at ways it can utilize Coinbase Prime for the custody and trading of crypto.