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CryptoBlog n.875

Following the recent trend of many NFT marketplaces supporting zero royalties, the biggest player in the market OpenSea has introduced a new royalty structure. Effective November 8, creators must add a specific code into the smart contract if they want to enforce royalties in secondary sales of their work. However, the NFT community is on fire as the new structure took place. This would mean that a major chunk of the creator's income will disappear. OpenSea has given itself until December 8, 2022, to come out with a firm stance regarding how it will address royalties enforcement for existing collections; and if OpenSea happens to take the 0% road, many artists are claiming that they would take their collection elsewhere. Its worth noting that a recent October study by Galaxy Digital shows that a total of more than $1.8 billion in royalties were paid to Ethereum-based NFT collections.

CryptoBlog n.874

The four-day conference hosted by Solana Breakpoint from Nov 4 to Nov 7 which attracted 13,000 people has come to an end. In a quick wrap-up, Solana made a series of new announcements, including a roadmap showing a smartphone launch and a partnership with Google Cloud. Solana mobile team has announced that pre-orders would be available in early 2023; however, the company has yet to declare an official date. Regarding the partnership with Google Cloud, it was shared that Google Cloud is building a block-producing Solana validator to participate in and validate the network. Also, the previously announced Google Cloud's Blockchain Node Engine will feature on the Solana chain from 2023.

CryptoBlog n.873

???? Wintermute-Backed Decentralized Exchange Bebop Launches on Polygon Bebop, a decentralized exchange (DEX) backed by Wintermute, a well-known crypto market maker, has launched on the Polygon blockchain after being open for whitelisted traders on Ethereum over the summer. Bebop claims to stand out among its competitors because of its signature one-to-many and many-to-one token trading, which allows users to trade multiple cryptocurrencies in one trade and save up to 65% on gas fees. This is similar to what rollups do – they bundle multiple transactions into one to significantly reduce gas fees. According to Katia Banina, Head of Product at Bebop, launching Bebop on Polygon further reduces gas fees.

CryptoBlog n.872

???? NFT.London's inaugural event attracts 2,500 with BAYC food truck, free NFTs and puppies NFT.London’s two-day inaugural stint saw over 2,500 registered attendees and 800 speakers. It was a collaboration between frozen potato product corporation McCain’s — which recently launched a Roblox game where children can farm metaverse potatoes. The event was substantially smaller than the 15,000-strong NFT.NYC, which is run by the same group. But its cosier feel and lack of the usual conference circuit speakers — many of whom spent that week at WebSummit in Lisbon instead — gave it the relaxed community atmosphere that NFT collections always seem to be striving for. From NFT t-shirt printers and new metaverse platforms to tables littered with QR codes advertising whitelists for upcoming mints.