CryptoBlog n.1124
➡️ WEB3 TRADEMARK APPLICATION CONTINUE Corporations continue to file trademark applications related to web3, crypto, NFT, and the metaverse. General Motors, Lacoste, and Walmart are among the latest to file NFT trademark applications. Pedigree, Nationwide, Yves Saint-Laurent, and National Geographic have also filed web3-related trademarks in January.
CryptoBlog n.1123
???? MIAMI NFT WEEK???? Miami NFT Week, one of the biggest NFT gatherings, is back from March 31 to April 2. The three-day conference will be sponsored by Fortune 500 companies such as MasterCard and Delta Airlines. Last year's event drew over 5,000 people, and it is expected to attract even more attendees this year.
CryptoBlog n.1122
???? SOLANA NETWORK FREEZES ⚠️ Solana network has been facing ongoing freeze on transactions and block production, leaving users unable to move their on-chain assets. Validators have attempted to restart the chain, but a first attempt failed due to selecting the wrong restart point, and they now require an 80% supermajority to proceed with a forked restart. Possible causes for the problem include a "fat block" clogging up the chain and a recent network upgrade.