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CryptoBlog n.872

???? NFT.London's inaugural event attracts 2,500 with BAYC food truck, free NFTs and puppies NFT.London’s two-day inaugural stint saw over 2,500 registered attendees and 800 speakers. It was a collaboration between frozen potato product corporation McCain’s — which recently launched a Roblox game where children can farm metaverse potatoes. The event was substantially smaller than the 15,000-strong NFT.NYC, which is run by the same group. But its cosier feel and lack of the usual conference circuit speakers — many of whom spent that week at WebSummit in Lisbon instead — gave it the relaxed community atmosphere that NFT collections always seem to be striving for. From NFT t-shirt printers and new metaverse platforms to tables littered with QR codes advertising whitelists for upcoming mints.