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CryptoBlog n.819

Mike Winkelmann has grown to be arguably the most recognizable artist in the NFT space. The legendary figure took the web3 word by storm last year with the monumental sale of Everydays for $69,000,000+. Now Beeple is giving back to the NFT community, recently announcing an exciting new initiative. Beeple took to Twitter earlier today to announce and release a sneak peek of his new Charleston-based studio. In a thread, Beeple states that this new venue will serve not only as an outlet for his artwork, but for the greater NFT community. When it comes to NFTs, there’s often a disconnect or misunderstanding as to how digital works of art could possibly be valuable, or even appreciated at all. To combat this sentiment, Beeple’s new venue will bring people together around digital art, something he believes is needed to bring in the next wave of users.